Links to Other Sites
The following list comprises of links to sites of interest. These are mainly greek poetry and
literature sites. You are encouraged to go on and explore these sites. If you want to send in a URL to be included in this
list, all you have to do is mail me the URL...
- Alkaios [greek pdf]
- Archaia Agora - Philosophy, Poetry, History, Dialogs
- Bakolas, Nikos [Official Site]
- Barnalis, Kostas [G. Douridas Page]
- Bibliomania: Free OnLine Literature with more than 2000 classic texts
- Brettakos, Nikiforos [G. Douridas Page]
- Cavafy's Archive
- Cavafy in Portuguese
- Cavafy: Surviving Immortality
- Cavafy's Poems & Paintings by Michael Bluemel (in greek)

- Cavafy's Poems & Paintings by Michael Bluemel (in german)

- Cien Poemas: Konstandinos Kavafis. Traduccion del griego al castellano
- Collection of Modern Greek Poetry, Extensive
- Conjunctions: The Web Forum of Innovative Writing
- Constantino Kavafis - Embassy of Greece in Santiago, Chile
- Dimou, Nikos - Writer
- Dimoula, Kiki (e-missos)
- e-Logos (Greek Literature, Articles, Books etc.)
- Eleutheroudakis Bookstore
- Elytis Odysseas [G. Douridas Page]
- Elytis Odysseas Poetry in an Art Page (by giokou)
- Engonopoulos, Nikos
- Forster, E.M. - The Unofficial Site
- Greek Authors Society (Official Site)
- Homer's Iliad
- Homer's Odyssey
- Internet Classics Archive, The: 441 searchable works of classical literature
- Kaktos (Cactus) Publishing
- Karyotakis, Costas []
- Karyotakis, Kostas [G. Douridas Page]
- Kastaniotis Publishing
- Kavvadias, Nikos
- Kavvadias, Nikos []
- Kazantzakis, Nikos
- Kazantzakis, Nikos [G. Douridas Page]
- Kedros Publishing
- KEIMENA - Modern Greek literature online
- Kentro Ellinikis Glossas (Greek Language Center)
- Kolokotronis' Memoirs [G. Douridas Page]
- Krystallis, Kostas [G. Douridas Page]
- Makriyannis' Memoirs [G. Douridas Page]
- Modern Poetry (Cavafy, T.S. Eliot, Mayakovsky, Baudelaire, Akhmatova and more)
- Ouranis, Kostas [G. Douridas page]
- Pagina Philologiae: The Greek Philological Site
- Palamas, Kostis
- Palioparea - Dutch-based ensemble (Cavafy recordings among others)
- Perseus Project: Digital Library
- Pindaros [greek pdf]
- Poets' Corner: Public Library of Poetic Works
- Polidouri, Maria
- Protoporia Bookstore
- Ritsos, Yiannis
- Sapfo [greek pdf]
- Seferis, George
- Seferis, George [fortunecity]
- Skarimpas, Yiannis
- Solomos, Dionysios
- Solomos, Dionysios []
- Tsakonas, Telis - Literature, Poetry
- Xenopoulos, Grigorios (Museum)
- Young Writers' Club, Greek (Atypi Leschi Newn Logotechnwn)
- Zisopoulou, Nina - Literature, Poetry
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